How the pondering way can help your business

About the Pondering Way of doing business.

I've always been that person in the room who sits and listens, digests and doesn't speak until I have solid feedback. In my younger years, I looked at this as a setback. But as I've gotten older, I've realized this trait provides me with the opportunity to help. 

I've deemed it "The Pondering Way."

The meaning of pondering is to think about something carefully, especially before deciding or reaching a conclusion. 

In my opinion, a little bit of pondering helps to flush out any unforeseen roadblocks, creates room for strategy and can be especially helpful for businesses by looking at every angle before taking the next step.

I take a pondering approach to every client's needs. Let's take a step back, look at all the possibilities and create a strategic plan to reach your goals. 

I believe there are two vital things each business needs to grow.  

  1. Marketing

  2. Processes

These two things not only help businesses grow, but they also thrive with a bit of pondering. Here's how.


Every business needs marketing to survive. This sentence is bold, and you might disagree with it, but indulge with me a bit. 

Your business has a logo….marketing.
Your business has a website (and if it doesn't, it needs one)
When someone asks you what you do, you talk about your business….marketing.

“Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”

-American Marketing Association

Are you with me? Marketing is ingrained in your business, whether you realize it or not. Are you embracing it? Are you using it to drive sales, meet new customers and grow to reach your goals? 

If you answered no, we should talk. 

The truth is, marketing can be intimidating because it's misunderstood. But if you peel back the layers and stay true to your business, it can be not only a great tool but also a lot of fun. 

This is my sweet spot. Helping business owners step out of the fear and confusion of marketing and create strategies that drive sales and help them generate confidence in their business. 

How's it done? Through pondering, diving deep into your why and understanding your dreams and goals. And by matching those with your target audience to create messaging, that doesn't feel like work at all. 


Next up in the lineup of crucial things needed for your business to succeed - processes. Much like marketing, you might not think you have or need processes in your business. But consider these questions.

How do you get your services or products to your customers?
How do you invoice your customers or receive payment?
How do you hire employees?

The answer is with processes, although you may not even realize it.

The thing is, processes are naturally built-in everything we do in our lives, but a lot of times, we don't realize we have a process. For example, think about how you get ready in the morning. You probably have a list of steps you go through each morning to get you out of the door and to your destination on time (even if that's just at your kitchen table in your PJ pants and work shirt). This is a process. It's isn't documented, it may be messy and most mornings, it may not seem ideal, but it's still your morning process.

With me still? 

The sweet spot with processes is when they are acknowledged and created strategically. Just getting from point A to point B isn't a success. Getting there in the least amount of time, with the least amount of steps or money is. 

I get my kicks by helping businesses take a step back, look at their processes (or lack thereof), and create improvements to streamline them.

How can the Pondering Way help your business? Let's chat!


Pondering Mind Creative provides strategic marketing solutions and process improvement services to new and growing businesses. Taking a "big picture" approach to each project helps me deliver a final product that meets the needs of your business today and as it grows. 


Why email should be part of your marketing strategy